Dinner Menu

This next crafty project was made by the one and only... ME

I saw something similar on my sister's fridge the other day,
and I thought to myself
(by the way, my sister ordered hers online and paid a million bucks for it!)
So, before I tell you how I did this, I will first tell you why.
#1. I hate, hate, hate cooking! By the time dinnertime rolls around, I haven't thought of anything to fix my starving family. So... we order pizza.
#2. I am not very knowledgeable in the kitchen, so I get nervous to cook ANYTHING! I'm not even kidding about that. I get nervous when I'm cooking Mac & Cheese... no lie.
#3. I want my family to eat healthier. NO, I'm NOT going organic or anything... just cooking.
#4. It's summer time...
it seemed like a good time to start a resolution.
So, this is HOW I did it...
FIRST, I googled "easy dinner recipes".
The blog it sent me to was this one
It's fantastic! She uses very
few ingredients
and takes you step by step.
That's exactly what I need!
I started with 4 pages of 12x12 scrapbook paper 2 black and 2 polka dots, of course! I glued the black papers together. I cut my polka dot paper small enough to make 5 pockets on the front. I glued my pockets just on the sides. I printed off the "Weekly Menu" and days of the week...I will be taking Saturday and Sunday off! :) Glued those down on my left over black scraps to make a frame. Glued those down. Made 2 extra pockets at the top for extra recipes. Printed off some recipes onto card stock. Stuck them in the pockets. And done. It's been working out great!

(But it is still just the first week!)


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