Monday Makeover!

We hit up a couple of garage sales on Saturday.
My husband usually makes fun of me for going to "those things", but this weekend he decided to go along with me. Let me just tell you the first words that came out of his mouth... "this is fun!" I knew he'd like it! We found lots of great deals, but the best deal of the day had to be this one...

guess how much I paid for it... nothing! That's right, it was FREE.  She was going to give it to Goodwill, so I snatched it up! I got the whole bedroom set with it. A bed, a nightstand, a dresser, and hutch.
I brought it home and immediately went to work on it.

 paint, sand, distress...
 paint, sand, distress...
 paint(the grass), sand, distress...
 The picture turned out a little dark, but I'm in love! I'm going to change out the hardware for some chunky knobs from Hobby Lobby when I get the chance. But for now, I think this works! :)

remember the before?

Happy Monday!

* Don't forget to sign up for our Scentsy Giveaway! It ends Sunday 10/17 *

Come back tomorrow
for Trash to Treasure Tuesday!



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