Friday Night

at Sassy Sites!
Tonight's question is:
If you just won 1 million dollars,
what is the FIRST thing you would buy/do?
(BESIDES get out of debt!)
I'll start!
Without a doubt, I would purchase something that our family has been dreaming about for A.LONG. time now! Remember how we love camping so much? Well, if I won a million dollars, I would purchase a...
 few campin' toys!
(package deals are permitted!)
one of these...
one of these...
and a few of these for the boys!
And I'll just throw in the toy-hauler while I'm at it!
it's pretty much just pocket change!
What would be your
 FIRST purchase
with 1 million dollars?
(remember, you CAN'T say get out of debt!)
Have a wonderful night and don't forget to join us
tomorrow morning for some Saturday Shout outs!


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