ffa... WHEW!!

Welcome back to FFA... it's a free for all around here! It's true, it is. It's almost midnight and I just sat down for the first time today. Don't you just wish life would slow down a bit? Sometimes I feel like I have ran all day but really accomplished nothing. Do you ever have that feeling? I try and remind myself that I can't run faster than my legs can carry me, but then I find myself running in circles {again}trying to be a supermom.
Lately I've been thinking a lot about GRATITUDE. I think it's pretty fitting for the season, don't you! :) I am SO grateful for SO many things, but do I really sit down long enough to even enjoy the things that I am thankful for? My kids see me running around like a crazy woman... vinyl lettering, church callings, helping in the classrooms, football practices, grocery shopping, Home Depot, clean the bathrooms, finish homework, gottaupdatetheblog, make dinner, meetings, .... before I know it- it's midnight again!
So, I've decided that I'm taking a little break. I am going to slow down and be grateful. Obviously I can't take a break from EVERYthing... dinner must be served and bathrooms must be cleaned... dang it! But I am going to take a breather from blogging. I WILL be back in a week (...or so), don't you worry! ;) Thank you for understanding. Thank you for not giving up on me. Thank you for letting me vent to you tonight. Thank you for listening. 
I want to be the first to wish you a VERY
this cute printable was snagged from
Link up and have a wonderful Thanksgiving full of family, friends, food, fun, memories, and LOTS of things to be grateful for!

Meet me back here on Monday, November 28th for more


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