Sunday Spotlight

I thought for a long time about what I should name my new blog. I love the name I picked, Sassy Sites! When I think of {SASSY}, I think...
hot pink polka dots, black and white damask, chandeliers, red toole, & bling!
...and then I met this girl. Well, I didn't actually physically MEET her, but close enough-because I read her blog! Stephanie Nielson is SASSY! She is such an inspiration to me and millions of people all around the world. Her and her husband were burned in an airplane crash, and they should have died.
But they lived.
Stephanie is a dedicated and devoted wife and mother. She embraces life. She LOVES life! I saw THIS picture of her today on her blog.

Burned on most of her body, she dresses up and heads out to go to church with her family. But not without her bright yellow bracelet and her Emerson Made flower. Now, THAT'S what I would call S.A.S.S.Y
I have been following her blog since the crash and I have grown to love her more and respect her more with every post. She takes life as it is, grabs it by the horns, and loves it! She is grateful for what she has. She is thankful for each day she has to spend with her children. And she LOVES to kiss her husband! THIS is one of my most favorite pictures of her and her sweet husband. Can't you just tell how much they LOVE each other!

Stephanie is one of the most SASSIEST women I know.Well... I don't really KNOW her personally... you know what I mean... whatever! She's practically my BFF!!
Watch THIS amazing video! Then you will "know" her too!


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