Sunday Spotlight

Let me introduce you to

This is what she has to say about herself:

"The baby finally nods off. With my daughter that means I have 45 minutes of precious time on a good day. What do I do with that wonderful undisturbed time- dishes? cook? clean?  Sometimes... but quite often I find myself dashing to the sewing machine or cricut and rifling through my drawers of fabric and paper. What can I make before she gets up?? Ok - I'll be honest. I rarely finish before she gets up- thank goodness for early bedtime!"

This one of her most recent posts.... and I am in LOVE with it!
I have been wanting to do a scripture ABC book for a long time for
my kids, and now I can just print this cute one off and be done!
 Thanks to Naptime Crafters! She just finished U-Z today!!
I am so excited to share this with you!

She offers the entire book in a PDF, you can just download it there. K, I'm off to start printing! Don't forget to check out Naptime Crafters! She's got lots of great stuff there!

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Have a wonderful Sunday!


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