Round 3

60 Days of Summer
...erasable checklist!
We are down to the final round of American Crafters before the final THREE are chosen! This has been so much fun! I've actually completed a few of my projects that I've had on my to-do list for quite some time now. This was a good excuse to get them done! :) This round is
So, the first thing that comes to mind when I think of summer is... activities! I am excited to keep my kiddos busy this summer, and hoping that because they are BUSY- they will be happy! I've had these frames for a couple of years. They've been sitting in a corner just waiting for the perfect project. This is it!
(pardon the dust!) 
This is what the frames originally had in them.
I covered the pictures with burlap
gathered the corners and wrapped them like a present
I glued a picture in the corner so the boys
could quickly figure out which one is theirs
 I did two different vinyl sheets,
 one for each of my boys! :)
I placed my vinyl right onto the glass of the frame,
this will make it dry erasable!
I LOVE how the burlap in the back really
makes the black vinyl POP!
Now we can check them off as we accomplish each one!
Just write right on the glass!
60 days of summer, 60 activities to keep them entertained!
...and both boys have their very own GOALS!!
They are so excited to start checkin' things off the list!
Yay for summer!!!
*If you would like a complete list of
 MY summer activities
 I used for this project,
**the font I used was Mandigo


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