we all scream for {homemade} ice cream!

One of my favorite childhood memories is listening to the sound of the ice cream maker run out on the back patio. The picture below is not of our ice cream maker, but ours looked JUST like it! The rusted parts and wire hanger being used as a hook on the side. My mom would let us take turns pouring in the rock salt around the bucket, and we'd usually sneak a piece or two to munch on! :) I wonder if my mom still has that ice cream maker... good times!
Tons of great memories can be made while the ice cream maker is running. But now, you don't have to have the maker to make the memory!
 Homemade Ice Cream
in a Can
 Homemade Ice Cream
in a Bag
Homemade Ice Cream
in a jar
City Cradle
Check this out!
Homemade Ice Cream
in a ball!
...and lastly, MY FAVORITE
Homemade Fried Ice Cream
...and let's just throw in an ice cream printable while we're at it!
This is super cute, from Homemade By Jill
What's your favorite
homemade ice cream flavor?


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