aNd tHe eMmY gOes To...

if you haven't seen these, you are missin' out!
Seriously, these 2 movies are the
best kid movies in

The first runner-up is....
Despicable Me!
 Meet Gru. He likes all things wicked.
But, the world's greatest villain has
 just met his greatest challenge:
three little girls named Margo, Edith and Agnes.

Christmas Eve night, our boys opened
new jammies, a new movie, and a big bucket of popcorn!
 MOVIE NIGHT!! I think we just started a new tradition!

I highly recommend THIS movie!!

...and the winner is
This is a story of adventure, heart, humor,
and hair- LOTS of hair! The story of
Rapunzel... with a twist!
 My favorite movie of all time!

I took my boys to see it last night. I was a little nervous,
 because it sounded like maybe it was going to
be a "princess movie"... wrong! It has
 villains, heroes, and even a hilarious pub club!!
We LOVED it!
(I was actually sitting next to a couple that didn't even
have kids with them, and I think THEY loved it even more than I did!)

this movie is A. MUST. SEE!

and I have to throw in a few
honorable mentions

The Little Mermaid
Favorite Childhood Movie

Hottest Hero

The Lion King
Best Soundtrack

What's your favorite kid
movie of all time?


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