Picture a Christmas

This is perfect for a
Family Home Evening Lesson! :)

Picture a stable in Judea.
 (put hands together and make like a roof with arms)
Picture a sacred, silent night.
(fold arms and then put a finger to your lips like shhhing people)

And can you hear
(cup your hand to your ear)
The angels near
(sign language for angel which is making like a wing motion)
And see the star so bright?
(shade your eyes with your hands)
Picture the little baby Jesus.
(cradle your arms and then sign for Jesus...pointing
 to palms where the nails were with your middle finger)
Think of His life and words so dear.
(point at head then point Heavenward)
Sing praise to Him;
(pretend to direct music and point Heavenward)
Remember Him,
(Point at Head and Heavenward)
As you picture Christmas this year.
(draw Christmas Tree in air with hands and then spread them out for all)
Picture the kind and gentle Joseph.
(pretend to hold a Shepard's crook)
Picture the mother, Mary, fair.
(cradle your arms)
And can you see
(hands to eyes)
So rev’rently
(fold arms and bow heads)
The shepherds kneeling there?
(bend down at knees)
Picture the little baby Jesus.
(cradle your arms and then sign for Jesus...pointing
 to palms where the nails were with your middle finger)
Think of His life and words so dear.
(point at head then point Heavenward)
  Sing praise to Him;
(pretend to direct music and point Heavenward)
Remember Him,
(Point at Head and Heavenward)
As you picture Christmas this year.
(draw Christmas Tree in air with hands and then spread them out for all)


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