Organizing Made Fun

I came across this website while looking for some organizing tips. WOW!! There are a ton of great ideas here! I am not going to list all 31 days, so you'll have to go to her SASSY sites to see it all. Here are some of my favorites!
Check it out...
She lists TONS of cheap and FREE things that
you can use to help you get organized!
cover an ugly cardboard box with fabric-
reuse and recycle!
DRAWERS are a good way to hide things!
(but keep them organized)
a trash can doesn't always have to be for trash!
I {heart} LABELS!
I'm HOOKed on it!

no need to spend tons of money of containers,

repurpose old furniture to
make it useful!

don't throwaway those
"throwaway containers"

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make use out of old paint cans
hid what's inside and
make it pretty with paper!

got an old oatmeal container?

cut the bottom off of
old cereal and cracker boxes

everyone has a couple of these lying around...

make an old muffin tin useful
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over the door
shoe organizer
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Check out OMF for all of the awesome ideas to get organized!

Organizing Made Fun

She's just started a new party too to help organize your finances!


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