DIY Pallet Art

My SASSY guest today is Susan from Homeroad! She is one of my very favorite blogger/crafters! Today she is going to show us how to turn a bunch of old boards into this adorable and affordable pallet art piece! Take it away, Susan.
Hi I'm Susan from Homeroad...
My hobby is turning junk I find on the side of the road into usable art and furniture for my home. I live in a home filled with castoffs upcycled into treasures! Today I'm showing you how I turned an old set of chippy, paint dripped, 3 legged sawhorses I found into an awesome piece of rustic art.
I cut off the legs, cut them to the same length, and screwed them all together...
I printed out the words I wanted to use on the computer and using carbon paper I traced each word onto the wood...
I outlined each word with a paint pen then hand painted the letters with black paint.
And so even though I didn't get a very cool set of saw horses... I did end up with a beautiful new chippy, painty sign!
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*if you would like to submit a tutorial to be featured on Sassy Sites, email me at


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