I'm Playing Along...

is hosting her weekly HOO are You?


This week's questions are:
1. What did you get/give for Valentine's Day?
Although, I am not a huge Valentine Day fan... I gave my cute hubby a card in his lunchbox with some candy. I gave my boys a card with some candy when they got home from school and I got a beautiful bouquet of flowers and Dove chocolates (my fave!)
yep. He loves me.
2. Do you have a vacation planned in the next couple of months or in the summer?
I am hoping to take my boys to Disneyland! We have a "Disney Fund" going... (if anyone would like to contribute) hee hee!
3. What is one thing you do to pamper yourself?
monthly pedicure. without fail. :)
4. What sparks your interest to other people's blogs?
This might sound funny, but I LOVE the pictures! If a blog has good photography, I am immediately drawn to it.
5. What kind of a mood are you in today?
oh, I almost forgot. One more thing my hubby gave me for Valentine's Day...
these cool glasses! Yeah, they're totally me!
This was fun! Thanks Leslie!


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