seven years ago...

July 6, 2004- I met the most beautiful girl. Everything about her was perfect, except for her heart. I knew from the moment that I held her, that her time on earth would be short. Her plan was to come to earth long enough to get a body, and then return home to our Father in Heaven. She was too pure and too lovely to live on this earth. We didn't get to spend nearly enough time with her, but I'm thankful every day that she chose our family to be with for eternity. I feel blessed beyond words to be her mom. I am so grateful to have her forever! The pain of not being able to raise her in this life is calmed by the knowledge that I will be her mom for eternity. Yes, I have hard days. Yes, there are days that I would love to just curl up in bed and cry all day because I miss her so much. But I can't. I have two other children to care for. Her two rowdy brothers are counting on me. It's a choice we've made to celebrate the life she lived and the MANY lives she continues to touch each day. I want it to always be that way. I don't want to mourn her death. I want to celebrate the wonderful moments she spent here on earth. I know that makes her happy! When people ask WHERE did we come from, WHY are we here, and WHERE are we going, my answer is always the same. We came from a loving Heavenly Father who has a plan for each of us. We are here to prove ourselves worthy to live with Him again someday and be reunited as a family forever!
Happy birthday to my sweet Allie Jane!
We are seven years closer to seeing you again!
Love, Mom


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