sippy cups and soy milk

Dear Dr. Phil,
Sassy Readers!
I'm troubled! We have a BIG problem at our house.
Sippy cups.
My five (almost SIX) year old loves sippy cups. He WON'T drink his beloved chocolate soy milk any other way. He drinks two cups in the morning, one when he gets home from school, and two before bed. These are his words exactly, "blanket, movie, chocolate milk!" I am at a loss with this one.

 I've tried:
buying him fun cups to drink out of, he hates them
giving him vanilla soy milk in his sippy cup to wean him
telling him that kindergartners DON'T use sippy cups
 telling him "only baby use sippy cups!!", he doesn't care
  NOT even buying the soy milk, I end up at the store at 9pm
telling him that Walmart doesn't sell soy milk anymore
throwing away the sippy cups, I just end up buying more
telling him that his teeth are going to rot, he doesn't care

Here's the problem:
He is a VERY picky eater. His diet consists of chocolate soy milk (only Walmart brand), chicken nuggets, ham, green beans, and waffles. He WILL.NOT. eat anything else. I have heard what Dr. Phil says on this matter, "he will eat when he gets hungry!" We've tried NOT feeding him. By 3:00 in the afternoon, I am begging him to eat or drink anything because he has not once asked for something to eat. He just simply doesn't care about food. I honestly feel that the soy milk is SOMETHING halfway nutritious in his diet, so I continue to buy it for him. EXCEPT he HAS to have it in a sippy! I told my friend the other day that he drinks from sippy cups, and her response to me is "my 18 month old doesn't even drink out of a sippy cup!"

This morning, we were out of soy milk. He begged and begged and begged for me to take him to Walmart so he could get his milk. I was cleaning and doing laundry and didn't want to stop everything to run to the store. I told him we would go later tonight. He refused to eat anything else. I even offered soda, nothing. I knew that if I sent him to school without eating, he would be hungry all day and probably faint on the bus (I know, that's probably a little extreme). So, what did we do? Loaded up and went to buy soy milk.

So I ask:
IS 5 years too old for sippy cups?
WILL he eventually just outgrow this?
WHEN will he finally start eating his peas and carrots?
AM I making too much of big deal out of this?
WILL he eventually get hungry?
I am seriously asking for opinions on the matter. I've been wrestling with myself over this matter for a year and a half now. I would love to hear your take on this! But, before you give your opinion, look back at that picture that is posted and tell me
 HOW can you tell that cute face "no"?
*I know what two people would say for sure...
Dr. Phil: "get rid of the sippy!"
My Mom: "give that sweet boy his sippy cup!!"


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