t2t and a winner!

before we get to t2t...
let's see who the winner of the
family vinyl art giveaway is!
 lucky number 79!
Congrats Melissa!

Email me and let me know what color vinyl you'd like and if you want to switch any of the wording around. I will get that out to you! If you didn't win and you would like to order one of these fabulous vinyl signs, email me at sassy.sites(at)hotmail(dot)com. The total price for this sign is $25.00, not including shipping.
Now, for our week of trash to treasures!
Some of my favorites from last week are
lamp makeover
dry erase board
sweater bag
sofa table redo
paint stick project
hand-me down headboard
dresser to play kitchen
great linkups!!
 Now, let's see what you've been working on this week!
LINK UP your
Trash To Treasures here!
Happy Tuesday!!


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