Organize Your Ribbon (take 2)

Made by Me Monday!
Hanging Ribbon Organizer


I tried making a different ribbon organizer once...welp, it didn't work out so well. First of all, I didn't have the counter space in my office big enough to store it and it didn't do so well at keeping my ribbon untangled. So, I decided to try again. I had been looking everywhere for something that I could make into something that:
  • could hang on the wall
  • keep my ribbon untangled
  • look cute!
One day, while shopping at the Goodwill, I came across something that caught my eye because it was $1.00(who doesn't love dollar day at Goodwill!) And I thought it might work! I was so excited to buy it and bring it home! When I showed it to my husband, he told me it was, in fact, a gun rack.  Whatever it is... I love it!
I can't find my darn BEFORE picture, so this one will have to do. First thing, I painted it white. I then, collected some dowels that would work for my ribbon to hang from.

 I measured the space that I had from side to side...

 Cut my dowel down to that size...

Drilled a hole in each side to hold my dowels

repeat for all three dowels

sort and organize your ribbon

the drilled hole is just deep enough and there is just enough "give" in the gun rack, so that you can easily take your dowel on and off to add spools of ribbon.

Add a cute vinyl and there you go!

I love it!
Super easy to do and VERY useful!!
Happy Monday!!

*how are you doing on your Operation Organization?
Don't forget to be linking up!! I will pick a winner next Sunday!


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