Sassy Sunday Spotlight... grab a tissue!

I decided to spotlight LizMarie this week! I was looking through some of the linkups from our Free For All Friday party and this one stuck out to me!!  You've got to read this and watch the video! She hired a photographer to come and capture the sweet moment of when she and her husband were finally reunited after 7 LONG months!
(Grab a tissue for this one!)

"To me, having my husband come home after a 7 month deployment is one of the best days of my life, right up there with my wedding day. So many emotions.. I went from tears, to laughing, to jumping in his arms, to crying again..I can't explain it, all I can say is it is the best feeling in the world.. Everyone knows that Jose is the love of my life, and the best thing that has ever happened to me. We are best friends and soul mates.. He was more than worth the 7 month wait. I would do it for the rest of my life if I had to for him."

"Being a military wife is not easy, but it gives you a sense of pride and many more rewarding feelings. I am so proud of my husband and everything that he does. Like I said before he is more than worth the wait."

My sister in laws have both gone through having their husbands deployed for a time. My sister has also sent her son out to serve. I can't even imagine the feeling of missing my sons or husband for so long! We are so grateful for the men and women who sacrifice their lives and time with their families to make us the country we are! Thank you Liz Marie for sharing such a special, tender moment with us! Thank you for allowing us to experience the moment that was definitely WORTH THE WAIT!!


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